Museums Shiseido Art House and Museum Peter Sidell Near Kakegawa in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, Shiseido Art House and Corporate Museum displays the cultural and commercial..
Culture Kakegawa Stained Glass Museum Peter Sidell In the historic castle town Kakegawa in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, the Stained Glass Museum is a small but enjoyable museum..
13 Historical Kakegawa Take-no-Maru Peter Sidell In the castle town of Kakegawa in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, the Take-no-Maru is a beautiful, traditional old residence, with..
Museums Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum Peter Sidell In Kakegawa in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, the Ninomaru Museum is a small, charming art museum.
Culture Modern Japanese Painting Exhibition 2020 Oct 17th - Nov 15th 2020 Past Event An exhibition focusing on modern Japanese painting is taking place at the Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum until November 15th. The event..