Food Taimeshi, an Ehime Delicacy Tomomi Shiba Ehime's traditional dish is taimeshi. Introducing two different types of local dish with the same name, and how they developed...
Food Culinary specialties of Matsuyama Anonymous Matsuyama and Ehime offer a variety of culinary specialties reflecting the geographic diversity of the region. The best advice is..
Food Imabari: Guide to Food Anonymous The people of Imabari are often said to be impatient, and this is reflected in the way they cook. Consequently, the region has produced..
Chinese Shigematsu Hanten in Imabari Anonymous Shigematsu Hanten is a small Chinese restaurant tucked away in a commercial suburb. It serves the specialty of Imabari, pork and..
Chinese Hakurakuten in Imabari Anonymous Hakurakuten is well known for its yaki-buta-tamago-meshi, a specialty of Imabari. But fans of this dish believe that there are better..
Cafe Dogo no Machiya café Anonymous Dogo no Machiya is a beautiful café with courtyard gardens and stylish Japanese décor. It’s ideal for breakfast, lunch, or a r..
Japanese Gokaku Anonymous The smallest and most popular Donburi shop in Saijo, with a wonderful small town feel. A single proprietor does it all, and katsu..