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102 results
Sukiya Noborikawa 7

Sukiya Noborikawa

Michael Flemming

If you haven't been to Okinawa for a few years then you might be surprised by Sukiya's massive expansion into the local restaurant market.

Big Heart Steak House

Big Heart Steak House

Michael Flemming

Big Heart Steakhouse in the Midorimachi area of Uruma City struck me as... stand out from the homes in the mostly residential back streets of Uruma City

Ryukyu Shinmen Tondou

Ryukyu Shinmen Tondou

Michael Flemming

Naha in 2002 and has started to expand its business northward across Okinawa... these smaller gyoza because it is without a doubt my favorite gyoza on Okinawa

Okinawa 4