Highlights of Fukuoka Robert Kodama Fukuoka is a wonderful prefecture found within the south of Japan.
7 Activities Sunset Beauty over Rebun & Rishiri Robert Kodama Sunset beauty in the stunningly beautiful prefecture of Hokkaido.
Culture Visit Ise Shima Toba Featured As a long-established destination for the Japanese people, journey off the beaten path and experience what Ise Shima has to offer...
Summer Festivals in Fukuoka Robert Kodama Fukuoka offers numerous festivals for visitors in the summer months.
Culture Summer Festivals in Nagasaki Robert Kodama Nagasaki's summer festivals offer something for everyone in the season's hottest months.
Activities The Harima Cycling Paradise Robert Kodama Eight cities and towns in the Harima Province will eventually be connected with cycling routes in the hope of promoting cycling..
Activities Cycling on a Single Ladies Course Robert Kodama Two unfit men conquer a cycling course around Kyoto titled "Single Ladies Course" in a guide book.