A Day Tour of Mount Fuji
By Livvy Boote
A day trip to Fujisan
To climb Fujisan,
To arrive at the summit,
Is it important?
Gazing at her from afar,
Isn’t that more than enough?
On Sunday, a friend and I drove to Mt. Fuji. From Fujisawa City, it took about two hours and a half. The road was basically ours until we arrived at the parking entrance; there, we had to wait for about forty-five minutes. There were busloads of Chinese-speaking tourists; there were also Thai men garbed in bright orange cloth; I also saw veiled Bahasa-speaking ladies taking selfies. There were more foreign tourists than locals who were dressed to the nines in their finest outdoor gear.
My friend and I only wanted a glimpse of Fujisan. Thus, I decided to make a film haiku.
Find out more about Mount Fuji.
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