Early Feb
Early Mar
If you love cheese, you'll find plenty of it at this event (Photo: PublicDomainPictures / Public Domain)
- 1 min read

DiverCity Tokyo Plaza Cheese Festival 2020

Cheese lover? This one's for you!

Diver City Tokyo Plaza
Early Feb - Early Mar 2020

The Diver City Tokyo Plaza Cheese Festival is the perfect event for cheese lovers. Serving up everything from cheese fondue to cheesy pizzas, enchiladas, and even raclette style hot dogs, there's no shortage of cheese-covered choices.

The event itself is free to enter, but do bring some yen if you plan to sample some of the available offerings. Also, do keep in mind that the event runs from 11 am until 7 pm daily, but last orders are taken at 6.30 pm.

For more information on what there is to see and do at Diver City, visit the following link.

Getting there

The Diver City Tokyo Plaza Cheese Festival takes place at the Diver City Tokyo Plaza Mall. If you're visiting the event via public transport, the closest stop is Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line. Head out of exit B3, and the mall is approximately three minutes away on foot.

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Novia Mardasari 4 years ago
Does the pizza taste the same as italian pizza?
Paul McInnes 5 years ago
Thanks for letting us know about this festival, Kim. Sounds great. Always nice to get your hands on some quality cheese!
Kim Bergström Author 5 years ago
Couldn't agree more!
Elena Lisina 5 years ago
We have great variety of cheese at home, but yes, in Japan I never noticed it. Besides, in comparison with us there is much less other milk products in Japan. Here they're very popular.
Kim Bergström Author 5 years ago
I find that in Japan, many cheeses are imported...I did find more in Hokkaido, where there is a bigger dairy industry than some other places in Japan!
Sherilyn Siy 5 years ago
So difficult to find good cheese in Japan. Imported cheese are nice but I'd love to try cheese made by Japanese artisan cheesemakers.
Kim Bergström Author 5 years ago
It's also often so expensive!!

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