Early Jul
Late Sep

Night Aquarium 2019

Art exhibit and lounge: 5,000 goldfish, 70 Aquariums

Early Jul - Late Sep 2019

Technicolor lights and 5,000 kingyo (goldfish) inside 70 aquariums made up the installation from 'aquarium artist' Hidetomo Kimura.

Kimura is the preeminent contemporary artist in the field of https://en.japantravel.com/places/tokyo/art-aquarium-museum/465, weaving the natural ecosystem of the fish with multicolor lights and geometrically-shaped tanks. Come nightfall, the lights dim, the colorful illumination amplifies the beauty of the goldfish and the art aquarium transforms into a music lounge, with live DJs performing every Saturday.

More info

Find out more about Art Aquarium Museum.

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Elena Lisina 5 years ago
I was much impressed!
Kim 5 years ago
Ken k 7 years ago

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