The animated Disney movie "Tangled" was released in 2011, and to celebrate its 10th anniversary there will be three Rapunzel pop-up cafe events taking place in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya starting this summer. A variety of themed dishes, drinks, and desserts will be on offer for visitors to enjoy, along with Tangled merchandise available for purchase including tote bags, letter sets, magnets, and key chains.
Some of the dishes on offer include a sandwich plate with the bread designed to emulate Rapunzel's braid (2,189 yen including tax), a Flynn and Rapunzel themed lantern curry (1,969 yen including tax), and a "magic flower" omelet rice (1,859 yen including tax).
Advance reservations can be made for any of the venues via the official event website. Do note that seating on the day without a reservation is subject to availability.
Please also note that the event dates differ from venue to venue:
Tokyo: July 30th (Fri) - October 17th (Sun)
Osaka: August 4th (Wed) - October 3rd (Sun)
Nagoya: August 12th (Thurs) - October 11th (Mon)