Transportation Okayama Street Car Junichi Okazaki Okayama's Street Car is more than just a romantic way to travel around central Okayama but it also offers a special Friday night..
9 Boat & Cruise The Ferry to Naoshima Peter Sidell To travel to Japan's art island of Naoshima from the mainland, take the ferry from Uno; it's cheap, frequent, and you can..
Transportation Okayama Train Station Kenji Chida The heart of transportation for Okayama prefecture has to be Okayama train station. Where ever you need to go this is the central..
Transportation The Best Little Airport in Japan Kenji Chida I’ve read that rich and famous celebrities live in homes with their own private runways. In Okayama we have the next best thin..
Transportation The Great Seto Ohashi Leslie Taylor A large double decker bridge which connects Honshu and Shikoku
Transportation Seto Ohashi Bridge Kenji Chida Seto Ohashi Bridge connects the main island of Honshu to Shikoku. It is still the world's longest two-tiered bridge.
Transportation Access guide for Ushimado Rory Jackson Getting away from the big city can be a daunting prospect in Japan but here's a guide to help you find your way into the coastal..
6 Transportation Okayama to Naoshima Bonson Lam Uno is known as the gateway to Art Islands of the Inland Sea. On the way on Uno, you see glimpses of modern art, like the checkerboard..