- 1 min read

Negoroji Temple is Pure Japan!

Concentrated essence of Japan at a Wakayama temple

On 10th of April 2011, I visited spacious Negoroji Temple in Wakayama Prefecture.

This temple has all things Japanese; cherry blossoms, shoji paper screens, thatched roof, gardens, Buddha statues...the Japanese essence is condensed here. A place like this should be enjoyed in tranquility. No worries about time, nothing to bind you to the material world. Cell phones that break the silence? No way! WiFi connection? No need! If you want these things you should go elsewhere! Those who would like to feel the air of pure and simple Japan, this temple is the place for you.

Cherry Blossoms at Negoroji Temple in Wakayama

  1. Perfect Day for Cherry Blossoms
  2. Strolling around Negoroji Temple
  3. Negoroji Temple is Pure Japan!
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