Museums Wada Gassho House Justin Dart 300 years old and one the largest gassho houses in Shirakawa-go, Wada House was one of the most important buildings in the village..
Historical Ryoukaizan Yokokura Temple Michelle Ishiki This temple, built in 801, enshrines a unique resident - a mummified priest.
Museums Saito Museum and Café Yuka Takada The Saito Museum maintains a 1300 piece collection family art, calligraphy, swords and utensils dating back 270 years.
17 Culture Magome Post Town Elena Lisina Magome is one of the three preserved post towns of the Kiso Valley on the Nakasendo route of the Edo Period.
Historical The Great Buddha of Gifu Michelle Ishiki Gifu City is home to one of the Top 3 statues of Buddha in Japan. It's not the largest or the oldest, but it's unique construction..
Culture Gujo Odori Festival Yuka Takada Reminiscing about growing up alongside the Gujo Odori – Japan's largest dance festival lasting thirty-two nights, three of..
Museums The former Imai residence Justin Dart Explore the Edo period home of wealthy Mino washi businessman, a melodic suikinkutsu and the Mino City Archives all under one roof...
Museums Ceramics Park Mino Justin Dart The International Ceramics Festival Mino at Ceramics Park MINO