10 Historical Kiso Valley's Magome-juku Sandra Isaka Magome-juku is the crown jewel among post towns that remain along the ancient Nakansendo 'highway'.
Historical Meijiza Theater Justin Dart A Meiji period theater nestled in the Japanese cyprus covered mountains of Kashimo that still hosts locally produced Kabuki
Historical Kokeizan Eihoji temple Justin Dart Well known for its secluded location and large wooden arched bridge Kokeizan Eihoji temple is power spot temple only one hour from..
Culture Human and Animal Exhibition 2021 Apr 24th - Jun 20th 2021 Past Event A special exhibition taking place at the Gifu Museum of Modern Ceramic Art looks at humans and animals as depicted by 5 ceramic..
13 Historical Memories of Kawaramachi Michelle Ishiki Kawaramachi, the neighborhood whered traditions of old Japan still linger on in the heart of Gifu City.
Culture Tanekura Village Marine Conte Tanekura is a small village nestled in the Japanese Alps. It is a perfect example of "satoyama" culture, where man does not encroach..
Historical Nakagawa Shrine Justin Dart Nakagawa Shrine in Nakatsugawa City, dedicated to the three goddesses of the Kiso River and childbirth.
Culture Eihoji - Tajimi's Temple Preethu Eihoji was established in 1313 and is a Zen Buddhist temple in Tajimi City of Gifu Prefecture. Associated with this temple is ..