Culture Kanazawa’s Gold Leaf Production Meg Sing Experience the history and production of Kanazawa gold and silver leaf. The very name of Ishikawa prefecture’s capital city tr..
Culture Kenrokuen Garden 5 (2Reviews) Located within Kanazawa Castle Park in Ishikawa Prefecture, Kenrokuen Garden is one of Japan's most famous traditional landscape gardens. Together..
Culture Kanazawa Castle 3 (1Review) Kanazawa Castle is a partially-reconstructed castle located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. Up until the Meiji Restoration period in 1871, lords of..
Culture Nomura Samurai House 5 (1Review) Nomura Samurai House (武家屋敷跡 野村家) is a historical family estate in the Nagamachi area of Kanazawa. This restored Edo period home reveals what..
Culture Higashi Chaya District 4 (2Reviews) The Higashi Chaya District (ひがし茶屋街) is a traditional teahouse district east of Kanazawa Station which known for its geisha performances. Compr..
Culture Yukidaruma Snowman Festival: Kuwajima 2026 Early Feb See snowmen of all shapes and sizes at Shiramine and Kuwajima, deep in the mountain valleys of Ishikawa's Hakusan region.
Culture Abare Matsuri 2025 Early Jul Abare Matsuri, or Rampage Festival, is an annual event in the town of Noto, Ishikawa. One of Japan’s most violent and fiery fe..
Culture Kanazawa Handmade Marche 2025 Late Sep - Early Oct The Kanazawa Handmade Marche is a celebration of crafts, food, and more, with approximately 1000 booths set to be present at the..