Historical Tsushima no Miya Festival 2025 Early Aug A two day festival held every year. The local train station is also only open during the festival, Tsushima no Miya Station. The..
Culture Naoshima's Honmura Village Lee Tan Naoshima's Honmura village is more than just the location for the Art House Project
Historical Zentsuji Temple Anna Sheffer Experience the birthplace of one of Japan's most renowned Buddhist monks.
Culture Miyanoura Gallery 6 Jaclynn Seah Naoshima's former pachinko parlor transformed into contemporary art gallery
Culture Setouchi Triennale on Naoshima Connor Lappin On its festival of festivals, we take you inside Naoshima, Japan's island of art and tell you what you cannot miss.
Museums Naoshima Art House Project Peter Sidell Seven empty houses in Honmura village on Japan's 'art island' of Naoshima have been renovated and transformed into works..