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Matsudo City Guide

Matsudo City Guide

Elizabeth S

Matsudo City, just on the other side of the Edo River from Tokyo, is easy to access on the Joban local and express lines. Matsudo..

Chiba 10
Shibazakura Festival

Shibazakura Festival

Elena Lisina

Spectacular flower beds made from tiny flowers called "Shibazakura" that could be seen in Hitsujiyama Park in the end of April -..

Saitama 9
Shougenji Temple

Shougenji Temple

Shougenji Temple (聖玄寺, Shōugenji) is the head temple of Gugan Shinshu, which was founded in Fukui as a new sect of Jodo Shinshu in the Meiji Peri..

Nunobashi Kanjoue

Nunobashi Kanjoue

Kerrie Hankinson

When the mountain religion Shugendō flourished in this valley, on the middle day of Autumn Equinox, hundreds of women came to ..
