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The Kodaiji is located northeast of the Yasaka Hokanji Temple at the foot of the Higashiyama Ryozen Mountains in Kyoto. The official name of the temple..

Yamadera Temple

Yamadera Temple

5 (3Reviews)

Yamadera is a temple complex on a mountain top northeast of the city of Yamagata in the prefecture of the same name. Its official name is Risshakuji,..

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

5 (1Review)

For those in love, looking for love, and everything in between, Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is the perfect place to visit! Not to be confused with Hikawa Shrine..

Saitama Free
Zuihoden Mausoleum

Zuihoden Mausoleum

Built in the 17th century during the Edo period, Zuihoden Mausoleum (瑞鳳殿, Zuihōden) in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture is the resting place of Date Mas..

Naritasan Temple

Naritasan Temple

5 (2Reviews)

Naritasan Shinshoji Temple (成田山新勝寺) is a Shingon Buddhist temple complex founded in the 10th century. This historic site is located in Narita ..

Kabuki-za Theatre

Kabuki-za Theatre

4.5 (2Reviews)

When you think of Japanese theater, you also think of kabuki: demonic-looking masks, elegant kimonos and drums. Often stories are told of old warriors..



Sanjusangendo, officially called Rengeō-in, is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect located in the Higashiyama district of Kyoto. The temple’s main ..
