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A Cycle of Life In Kyoto

A Cycle of Life In Kyoto

Arlene Bastion

Okazaki Shrine and Kurodani Temple both have interesting things to see in their compounds exemplifying their respective themes, life and death.

Kego Shrine and Park 6

Kego Shrine and Park

Maren Pauli

Kego Shrine and Park are calm anchors in the lively neighborhood of Tenjin and invite you to sit down for lunch or a coffee.

Fukuoka 1
Nanzō-in Temple 11

Nanzō-in Temple

Bradford Pomeroy

Nanzō-in Temple in Fukuoka is home to Japan's largest Nehanzo (reclining Buddha) as well as the center to the Sasaguri 88 temple pilgrimage.

Fukuoka 1