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292 upcoming events
Hashigo-nori 2026

Hashigo-nori 2026

Mid Jan

Hashigo-nori is a traditional performance that attempts to pass on the techniques and methods of fireman in the Edo period.

Tokyo 1 Free Entry
Christmas Illumination in Harajuku 2025-2026

Christmas Illumination in Harajuku 2025-2026

Mid Nov - Mid Jan

Beautiful Christmas Illumination at Tokyu Plaza's Harajuku Omotesando rooftop: Christmas Preparations at Tokyo’s Fashion h..

Tokyo 4 Free Entry
Daikoku Matsuri 2026

Daikoku Matsuri 2026

Mid Jan

The annual Daikoku Matsuri is held in mid-January and honours Daikoku, the deity of fortune. It is held close to Japan's Coming..

Tokyo 1 Free Entry
Setagaya Boroichi: Jan Edition 2026

Setagaya Boroichi: Jan Edition 2026

Mid Jan

Originating over 400 years ago, the annual Setagaya Boroichi sees almost 700 vendors fill the street selling all manner of food,..

Tokyo 2
Shinjuku Chuo Park Flea Market 2026

Shinjuku Chuo Park Flea Market 2026

Mid Jan

Shinjuku Chuo Flea Market is an amateur-only flea market located in Shinjuku Central Park in central Tokyo. The next market will..

Tokyo 6 Free Entry
HandMade in Japan Fes 2026

HandMade in Japan Fes 2026

Mid Jan

The Handmade in Japan Fes showcases a range of handmade goods, from jewelry to leather pieces, bags, plush toys and more. There..

Tokyo 5 ¥1,500
Furusato Matsuri 2026

Furusato Matsuri 2026

Mid - Late Jan

At the Furusato Matsuri, you can enjoy food and festival performances from all over Japan.

Tokyo 2 ¥2,000

Event Calendar