As pleasantly edge-of-suburbia Higashikurume City may be, it's not exactly a top destination for museums and galleries. In fact, the only such space to be found in the city is a small museum room that rests inside of the local city hall.
Granted, if you have an interest in Jomon period pottery and historical photography then a trip out may tickle your fancy but for the rest of the Tama region's visitors, well, maybe not. Be that as it may, it is what the city has to offer so here is an introduction to the museum room of Higashikurume and how to reach it.
Higashikurume City Folk Museum Room
If the Jomon and Yayoi periods of Japan's history are of real interest to you then the Higashikurume City Folk Museum Room offers some decent peeks into the pottery and stoneware of Japan's ancient past. There are plenty of reconstructed creations - highlighted by the white pieces used to complete the finds - and most stem no later than about 200 CE.
Visitors to the museum room will also find several diorama reconstructions of what passed as homes back in those long gone days as well as tools and even clothing. There are plenty of black and white photographs recording the changes that the city has seen over the recent decades as well a look at the area's natural features.
Located on the second floor, this single room is all that the city seems to offer at the moment in terms of museums but admittedly it is a rather packed room - it's not as if there is nothing to see. And to make it easier on the visitor, the price of admission is a very handy zero yen.
A 24-minute walk from Kodaira Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.
FYI, on the other side of the Kanto plain at Kashiwa-Tanaka Station on the Tsukuba Express line, there is a big display case of Jomon pottery. Local people unearthed it on the dig with archaeologists before the station was constructed.
These little places are with a stop on your way elsewhere, right?