When you arrive in Kurama on the night of the fire festival, the streets of the picturesque little town are lined with small watch fires in metal braziers, tended by local people. Three meter tall bonfires blaze merrily in an area with a big stone torii. Torch bearers walk up and down the streets announcing the festival.
There are over 250 pine torches of various sizes, from small ones carried by children to huge ones weighing over 80 kilograms. At 8:00 pm all the torch bearers converge on Kurama's Yuki Jinja. The torches roaring and sparking against the night sky create a truly thrilling spectacle! Kurama Fire Festival takes place on October 22nd.

Fire Festival of Kurama Temple 2025
The Kurama Five Festival is one of the most spectacular events in Kyoto and takes place every year on the evening of October 22nd...