Photo: Clement Souchet / Unsplash
Photo: Clement Souchet / Unsplash
- 2 min read

Tokyo Ranks 4th on World's Top Cities to Visit

Now is a great time to plan a trip!

There are a myriad of reasons to visit Tokyo, from the beautiful fusion of tradition-meets-modernity to world class dining options, efficient transport systems, and unique cultural experiences. This has been affirmed through recent research from Euromonitor International, a leading provider of global business intelligence, market analysis, and consumer insights.

They recently released data from their Top 100 City Destinations Index 2023, which evaluates 100 city destinations using a comprehensive analysis of 55 metrics distributed across six key pillars. This approach generates a 'city attractiveness score', providing perspective on the appeal and desirability of each destination.

The key pillars were economic and business performance, tourism performance, tourism infrastructure, tourism policy and attractiveness, health and safety, and sustainability. The research had some very good news for Tokyo – the city came in fourth on the city destinations index, which was its first time making the top ten.

Photo: Jezael Melgoza / Unsplash

A big part of Tokyo's appeal mentioned in the research was the weak yen at present, which means that visitors can enjoy a variety of experiences at extremely budget-friendly prices. If you've been considering booking your dream Japan adventure, now is a great time to put those dreams into action!

It wasn't just Tokyo that fared well on the Top 100 City Destinations Index – Osaka came in at 16th spot. The city is particularly revered for its culinary scene, often earning the nickname of "Japan's kitchen" thanks to the wide variety of amazing dining options and tasty street food stalls.

Osaka was also mentioned as one of the world's top cities to visit
Osaka was also mentioned as one of the world's top cities to visit (Photo: AXP Photography / Unsplash)

Getting there

Tokyo can be reached by air via Tokyo International Airport (airport code HND) and Narita International Airport (airport code NRT) in neighboring Chiba Prefecture.

Osaka can be reached by air via Kansai International Airport (airport code KIX) and Osaka International Airport, also referred to as Itami International Airport (airport code ITM).

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Sander a year ago
As much as I love Tokyo, I think it's a shame that lists like this always just focus on the obvious, the cities everyone already knows. There's so much more to Japan than just Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. And it's not like the rest of the list is very inspiring either...
Kim Bergström Author a year ago
I think maybe there's some criteria for this list that they had to be well-known cities, but I totally get what you mean. When people ask me my favorite cities in Japan and they get answers like Matsue or Hakodate (or even smaller, more off-the-beaten path places), I often get looked at like I have two heads! Definitely so much more to offer than just the "big three" – I might see if I can put together an article about some lesser-known (but just as fab) cities that are worth the visit!

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