- 1 min read

Asahigaoka Children's Park

A Small Children's Park in Kutchan

The Asahigaoka Children's Park is located behind Kutchan Park & Gym, a two-minute drive from Kutchan Station.

The park is split up into two sections, a top playground and a lower pond. There are four playground equipment sets for children to play on and a large sandpit. The top section of the park features a bicycle track which also provides wheelchair friendly accessibility.

The lower section of the park features a nice lily pond complete with fencing and an undercover seating area. The surrounding grassland also provides seating and plenty of space to lay out a picnic blanket.

To access the park from Kutchan Station, head north past Kutchan Co-Op and take the first left. This road will lead you to Asahigaoka Ski Ground, the park is located before the ski ground on your left.

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