Outdoors Cat Island of Tashirojima Tom Roseveare Cat Island, otherwise known as Tashirojima, is located 50 min by ferry south of Miyagi's Ishinomaki area.
14 Activities The Mysterious Island of Oshima Elena Lisina Oshima is one of the many islands of Matsushima.
Activities Okinawa Zoo & Museum Christmas Fantasy 2025-2026 Mid Dec - Early Jan The Okinawa Zoo & Museum Christmas Fantasy event has been running for over 25 years now, and is one of the largest illumination events in the prefecture
Activities The Beaches of Ojika Island Victoria Simkovic Escape the crowds of beach goers and find your oasis on Ojika Island.
Activities The Oki Islands Lisa Wallin The Oki Islands is a group of over 180 islands located in the Sea of Japan off the coast of Shimane Prefecture.
Outdoors Akigawa Valley Kim Bergström That certainly may be the case for some areas, but the Akigawa Valley provides a glimpse into a different side of Tokyo - a more serene one!
Activities An Introduction to Mukaishima Island Kim Bergström Located across from Onomichi in Hiroshima, you'll find Mukaishima Island.
14 Activities Secluded and Serene: Zamami Island Tinka Weener If you are looking for a place to really get away from hustle and bustle of Okinawa and you are not planning on a luxury vacation, Zamami Island is the