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Kariyushi Beach

Kariyushi Beach

Chris Barnes

Although it is primarily a beach for the nearby Okinawa Kariyushi Beach... restaurant is a newly opened quick eat restaurant featuring 30 different toppings

Miyajima Kayaking with Paddle Park

Miyajima Kayaking with Paddle Park

JJ Walsh

the water from Hiroshima's most famous sightseeing spot, Miyajima island... It was wonderfully calming with the quiet sounds of waves lapping up on

Hiroshima 2
Kamoike Beach

Kamoike Beach


There's a pleasant bay facing numerous small islands, and a nice sandy cove.

Mihama Kid's Park 11

Mihama Kid's Park

Michael Flemming

run around if staying at one of the hotels in American Village or just shopping... at the Dragon Palace, Ryukyu Aeon, or Depot Island Shopping Centers.

The Nakamura House

The Nakamura House

Michael Flemming

Situated high on a hillside in central Okinawa, an early 18th century home... Original thatched roofs gave way to distinctive Okinawan red tiles as the
