6 Historical Nippon Maru David Parmer What comes to mind when you think of sailing ships? Blue skies and billowing sails? Probably so. But sometimes,…well it rains.
12 Temples & Shrines Kita-Kamakura’s Engaku-ji Temple Tomoko Kamishima This complex of temples has a long pavement leading into the inner grounds. Zen temples usually place their buildings in a line,..
10 Temples & Shrines Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Josef Diermair Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine is a small shrine compared to Kyoto-size shrines, but charming and very alive.
Historical Kaisei-machi Ajisai Matsuri Sandra Isaka Kaisei-machi's Ajisai Matsuri, usually held in the second week of June, is a wonderful festival of hydrangea, newly planted..
Museums Onshi Hakone Koen Park Tomoko Kamishima Wandering and strolling around the hills and lakeside is pleasant, especially on a warm sunny day. Onshi Hakone Koen Park (恩..
Historical Manazuru's Mitsu-ishi (Three Rocks) Tomoko Kamishima Mitsu-ishi, (the Three Rocks) is located at Cape Manazuru. Three large, sacred rocks sit in the sea, very close to shore. The rocks..
Historical Hokoku-ji Temple in Spring Tomoko Kamishima Hokoku-ji Temple is famous for its beautiful bamboo garden. But it’s not the only charm of this temple.
Historical Yokosuka Naval Port Cruise Harumi Inouye Today I would like to introduce a unique cruise tour in Yokosuka City. The main purpose of this cruise is to tour the battle ships..