13 Temples & Shrines Close up on Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto Larry Knipfing An early morning visit in late December to one of Japan's oldest shrines, Shimogamo Jinja, was cold and beautiful. The sun had..
13 Temples & Shrines Tenryu-ji Temple and Neighborhood Larry Knipfing Tenryu-ji Temple and the nearby Sagano Bamboo Grove are justly famous for their year-round beauty.
15 Temples & Shrines Kyoto Heian Jingu Shrine and Garden Tomoko Kamishima Kyoto Heian Jingu Shrine: Smaller version of the ancient Imperial Palace. There is also the lovely Shin-en Garden.
13 Temples & Shrines Shinnyo-do Temple, Kyoto - 2 Larry Knipfing Shinnyo-do is a lovely, secluded temple in Kyoto. It's not very crowded most of the year, but watch out during the autumn season..
6 Museums The Jotenkaku Museum in Kyoto Gloria Ticconi The Jotenkaku Museum:five national treasures and 144 important cultural assets in Kyoto
7 Temples & Shrines A Visit to Kyoto Inari Shrine Martijn Beckers One of Kyoto's most famous shrines is Fushimi Inari Shrine. The endless torii gates create a fairytale atmosphere. While ..
Culture Ill-starred Painters 2020-2021 Oct 24th 2020 - Jan 11th 2021 Past Event A special exhibition taking place at the Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan looks at a range of works from painters who have suffered from..
12 Temples & Shrines Manshu-in and its Lovely Garden Larry Knipfing If you can find yourself a quiet corner to sit in at Manshu-in Temple, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then open them