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Shimabara Castle

Shimabara Castle

Mandy Bartok

Learn about the Shimabara peninsula's revolutionary ties to Christianity at the museum in the main keep of Shimabara Castle.

Memorial Ship Hakkoda-Maru

Memorial Ship Hakkoda-Maru

Bridget Ye

Built in 1964, the Hakkoda-Maru was a transport ship that carried trains from Aomori, in the north of Honshu Island, to Hakodate,..

The Sights of Kishiwada

The Sights of Kishiwada

Tom Fay

An introduction to the historical and cultural attractions of Kishiwada, including the castle, danjiri (festival) hall, and places..

Osaka 6
Unique Things To Do in Suwa

Unique Things To Do in Suwa


We take a look at some of the more bizarre locations in and around the Suwa area of the city including hot springs, freshwater eel..

Nagano 1