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Okonomi-dining Toraji [Closed]

Okonomi-dining Toraji [Closed]

JJ Walsh

cold drink- nothing goes better with Hiroshima style okonomiyaki than a beer... No matter what we have ordered here, we have not been disappointed.

Hiroshima 1
Starbucks Blends Alcohol and Ice

Starbucks Blends Alcohol and Ice

Audrey Foo

Japan's first stand-alone Starbucks Evenings venue, serving wine and beer... camembert and berry or cream cheese and orange tarts while crying into a beer

Hikari 7


Michael Flemming

discovered the newly opened Hikari ramen shop nine years ago and have been... Hikari only offers ramen, fried rice, soup, gyoza, soft drinks, and Kirin beer

Namasute Shokudo in Nibancho

Namasute Shokudo in Nibancho


anywhere – Indian fabrics, tasseled umbrellas, potted plants, and rows of beer... I drank a good quantity of beer and umeshu plum brandy, both of which complemented
