Watch the video and learn about Nara Park's friendly deer! (Photo: Charles Colfer)
- 1 min read

New Campaign Promoting Nara's Deer

Nara releases English video about deer in Nara Park

Nara is home to two of Japan's most important and well-known temples in Todai-ji and Horyu-ji, but if there's one thing the prefecture is famous for, it is the 1200 roaming wild deer in Nara Park.

In hopes of Nara's many foreign tourists better understanding the prefecture's deer, Nara has released a short informational video in English explaining how to interact with them. Created in collaboration with simpleshow, viewers can learn what to watch out for when interacting with the friendly residents of Nara Park.

In just over 75 seconds, discover how to feed them and learn about their behavior according to season. Accompanying the explanations are cute cutout animations that make the video even easier to understand and follow.

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Justin Velgus 9 years ago
Fun video that should help both tourists and deer alike.

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