The 2016 Setouchi Triennale is an international festival supported by the Fukutake Foundation, the patron behind such works like the Teshima and Chichu Art Museums, and is organised by an executive committee headed by the prefecture of Kagawa. The festival is in three parts: Spring: March 20 to April 17, Summer: July 18 to September 4, and Autumn: October 8 to November 6. Many visitors come for the permanent exhibits at these museums, as well as for the art-related events that are specific to the festival.
Bargain hunters should purchase one of the passports which are valid for all three sessions, and also includes entry to some of the existing museums, like Seirensho and the Art House Project on Inujima and Lee Ufan Museum on Naoshima. Early birds can purchase these passports cost ¥4,000 until 19 March. The regular price is ¥5,000 and contains up to ¥20,000 of value if you were to visit all the islands.