Shopping Shinjuku Chuo Park Flea Market 2026 Mid Jan Shinjuku Chuo Flea Market is an amateur-only flea market located in Shinjuku Central Park in central Tokyo. The next market will..
Shopping Yamashiroya Toy Store in Ueno Sleiman Azizi A famous toy and hobby store in Ueno, Tokyo, Yamashiroya is filled with six floors of toys and games.
Shopping Tokyo's Tsukiji Market Relocates Sleiman Azizi Oct 4, 2018 Tokyo's iconic Tsukiji Fish Market moves to its new location in Toyosu.
Shopping The Booksellers of Jimbocho Scott Brause Tokyo has one of the world's largest collections of bookstores, many with lots of books in western languages. Find rare books,..
6 Shopping Okui Kaiseido, Tokyo Sherilyn Siy Okui Kaiseido was founded in 1871 in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Ninety percent of Japan's kombu is sourced from Hokkaido where..
7 Shopping Kiya Sherilyn Siy Kiya is Japan's most famous knife brand, established more than 200 years ago. Their bestselling knife is the deba knife, a raw..
Shopping Tokyo Midtown Hibiya Ignatius Koh Tokyo Midtown Hibiya is a luxury shopping mall that opened in March 2018 in Tokyo's Hibiya district, bringing more options for..
7 Shopping Nihonbashi's Ninben Sherilyn Siy Dashi soup stock is one of the key components of washoku or traditional Japanese cuisine, and is made from dried bonito fish flakes..