The sprawling park of Showa Kinen is one of the first places in the Tokyo region to see autumn foliage, due to its slightly cooler temperatures. The rows of gingkos just inside the main entrance gate are a golden sight beginning in mid-November but it is worth making the long walk across the park to the traditional Japanese garden. There, maples turn vibrant hues of red and orange, providing the perfect backdrop for several tea houses on site.
Entrance to Showa Kinen is ¥410, but children under 6 are free. There is also a section of the park - with a small lane of gingko trees - that can be enjoyed for free.
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Kim Bergström
4 years ago
Autumn is definitely my favorite season to visit Showa Park in!
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Victoria Vlisides
9 years ago
Many! The golden leaves are so wonderful. Thank you ;)
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Mandy Bartok
9 years ago
My pleasure! I am addicted to fall foliage. :)

Linda Cordes
9 years ago
Gorgeous! I love the gingko trees.
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Mandy Bartok
9 years ago
I think they'll hit their peak this week!

Justin Velgus
9 years ago
Looks peaceful. How big is the park? Do you think the price is worth going inside?
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Mandy Bartok
9 years ago
Justin, I can't find an actual acreage size to quote you but the park is so extensive that they run a mini-train around the edge and the cylcing path is 11 kilometers long. I was a little surprised by the admission price but you have so much to explore and it never feels too crowded. Considering I didn't have to pay a separate fee for the traditional garden area, I'd say it wasn't too bad of a deal.
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