Kawaii culture gets downright poopy at this permanent museum dedicated to number two. Unko, or poo, is a common theme on many kawaii items; visit an elementary or junior high school and you’ll see plenty of keychains that look like a pile of soft-serve ice cream—but it’s a different kind of pile in actuality.

The Unko Museum (with locations in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, and Yokohama) aims to dispel the stench of unko hate and create a fun and interactive space where people from all over the world can share in their love of poop.
With six distinct areas to the museum, look forward to a stinky journey through poo:
UnStagenic—in this photogenic space, guests can get their crappiest Gram-able photos alongside various colorful poops.
UnTeractive—Use your body and step on projected poos. This is a great place to get in touch with your inner child’s sense of scat humor.
UnTelligence—Make use of the academia here to learn more about your stool. See poop art drawn by artists from around the world.
Poop Factory—Find your favorite crap to take home here! The gift shop has everything poo-themed.
Crappy Arcade—Enjoy many addicting games and try to be the high score champ!
Unberto’s Room—A poop power spot watched over by Unko Museum’s cosmic deity, Unberto.

No matter how you want to enjoy your poo-filled day, you're sure to get your fill of number two at this unusual and kawaii look into poop as only Japan can doo-doo it.