Trains Traveling the Enoden Line Johannes Schonherr Writing about riding the Enoden Line between Fujisawa and Kamakura as well as about various attractions along the way.
Transportation Transit Guide: The Hakone Free Pass Serena Ogawa All you need to know about this useful pass to the Hakone area
Boat & Cruise Yokohama Osanbashi Port Guide Luca De Pasquale Osanbashi Pier is home to Yokohama's International Passenger Terminal, otherwise known as Osanbashi- or Yokohama Port.
Transportation Katase Enoshima Station Piti Koshimura Katase Enoshima Station's extravagant design was inspired by Urashima Taro, a famous Japanese folktale. Renovated between 2018-2020,..
Transportation Riding the Enoden Line Alexander Voeler If you are going to Kamakura or Enoshima, you might consider going by the Enoden Line.
Transportation The Akai-kutsu Bus Tomoko Kamishima I think the best way to do a one-day trip in Yokohama is to get a “Minato Burari Ticket” and use it for the Akai-kutsu bus. Yo..
12 Trains Hakone Tozan Railway Switchback Jessica A Paje A mountain-climbing train in Hakone that transports passengers up & down the single track along the lush, steep terrain. Unique..
7 Transportation Kanagawa's Shonan Monorail Naomi Isaka The Shonan Monorail is an exciting ride, taking you up and over mountains and valleys, from Ofuna Station to the sea.