9 Traditional Kishiwada’s Furniture Makers Alena Eckelmann Hatsune no kagu has been in business for almost 100 years and the craft of manufacturing the chest of drawers has been passed on..
Culture Floral Tea Utensils Exhibitions 2021 Jan 16th - Mar 14th 2021 Past Event A special exhibition at Osaka's Itsuo Museum looks specifically at tea utensils which incorporate flowers into their designs...
11 Arts & Crafts Yamazaki Suntory Whiskey Distillery Cathy Cawood Suntory Whiskey Distillery in Yamazaki offers free tours of their whiskey library, distillery, and aging cellar and includes whiskey..
6 Culture Artcourt Gallery: 2013 Exhibition John Carter Wondering the Okawa River in the Temmabashi area of Osaka I stumbled across the Art Court Gallery. Curious of the modern building..
Culture Kishiwada Danjiri Festival 2016 Bonson Lam Sep 4, 2016 The Kishiwada Danjiri Festival was first held in 1703 by the daimyo of Kishiwada city, and it celebrates local culture as well as..
Culture Damien Rice Unplugged 2017 Jun 21st 2017 Past Event Damien Rice returns to Japan in 2017 for a series of unplugged concerts