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Takasaki Park

Takasaki Park

Hollie Mantle

the ponds, packed with enormous koi carp of all shapes and sizes, or take... the sakura trees are not in bloom, come here and sit beneath the trees, take

Sengan-En Garden, Kagoshima

Sengan-En Garden, Kagoshima

Peter Sidell

which people have to compose a haiku poem within a time-limit set by a sake-cup... there are steps leading through the woods up the hill, which don't take

Night Walk at Ueno 6

Night Walk at Ueno

Senén Germade

If you take the south exit you can reach Ameyoko within a walking distance. Ameyoko is a busy market street where you can find various

Goshogawara's Tachineputa Matsuri 2024

Goshogawara's Tachineputa Matsuri 2024

Aug 4th - Aug 8th

both of these versions of Nebuta since the festivals occur during the same... It gives you more time to take pictures and really see the fine detail

Aomori 3 Free Entry
Maruoka Castle

Maruoka Castle

Bryan Baier

The yoshino sakura make the castle a beautiful and popular place to enjoy... hanami, and autumn leaves and snow make for beautiful viewing at other
