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Ushita Kannon-temple & Pet Cemetery

Ushita Kannon-temple & Pet Cemetery

JJ Walsh

At the base of Ushita-yama, there is an interesting Buddhist temple and... Ushita is devoted to helping the souls of lost children find their way and

Kaikoji Temple

Kaikoji Temple

Justin Velgus

dim light contrasts the priests’ robes exploding with intense oranges and... Kaikoji rests on top of a hillside and overlooks the town of Sakata, and

Yokohama Kamon-yama Park

Yokohama Kamon-yama Park

Tomoko Kamishima

At this time, a lot of people get together and enjoy the beautiful pink... One unique point here is that the Landmark Tower and other tall buildings

The Tale of Genji Museum in Uji

The Tale of Genji Museum in Uji


Fans of Murasaki Shikibu’s famous novel ‘The Tale of Genji’ should visit Uji’s excellent museum and immerse themselves in the culture of the world’s first

Trip to Takachiho

Trip to Takachiho

Chris Cooper

The journey to Takachiho is long and winding and for me involved going up and a volcano and several mountains

Miyazaki 4