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Warp Station Edo

Warp Station Edo

Tom Roseveare

Warp Station Edo is actually used for filming 17th century period dramas and... 2 'open set' zones, Inn Town and Downtown.

Ibaraki 1
Former Residence of Lafcadio Hearn

Former Residence of Lafcadio Hearn


When walking the streets of Matsue, you might notice the image of a Westerner on signs, and some quotes engraved on stone plaques around town.

Kumamoto 2
Itoyama Park in Imabari 11

Itoyama Park in Imabari


Itoyama Park in Imabari stands on a hill offering a 360-degree view of the Shimanami Kaido, the Seto Inland Sea and Mt. Takanawa.
