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Hatsumode in Asakusa 2025

Hatsumode in Asakusa 2025

Early Jan

The first visit to the shrine in the new year is called Hatsumode, and it attracts quite some crowds every year, and I think it is a great way to start

Tokyo 1 Free Entry
Matsushima Oyster Festival 2024-2025

Matsushima Oyster Festival 2024-2025

Late Oct - Mid Mar

The Matsushima Oyster Festival (Kaki Matsuri) started over 40 years ago, and takes place in the peak of oyster season.

Miyagi 1 Free Entry
Tokaido Tale

Tokaido Tale

Chris Glenn

During the Edo Period, the most important route between Edo and the capital... , Kyoto and near by Osaka was the Tokaido This was THE information highway

Worth a Michelangelo 18

Worth a Michelangelo

Alena Eckelmann

Finding a treasure trove for beautiful frescos, statues and carved ceilings crafted by Ishikawa Uncho, also known as the "Michelangelo of Echigo"

Niigata 2