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Matsumoto Art Museum 7

Matsumoto Art Museum

JJ Walsh

Colorful and fun artwork in pleasant surroundings, a must-see museum for art lovers visiting Matsumoto.

Nagano 3
Seki Art Gallery

Seki Art Gallery


The Seki Art Gallery offers a tranquil hour of art appreciation between Dogo and the center of Matsuyama.

Shikoku Mura Art Village 15

Shikoku Mura Art Village

L. MacLean

Shikoku Mura is a park consisting of traditional homes and buildings from around the island of Shikoku and reassembled here. Most..

Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum

Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum

Paul Walsh

Renovated in 1996, Hiroshima Prefectural Art Mueseum (HPAM) is one of the... largest art museums in Western Japan and it’s permanent collection contains
