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100 Soundscapes of Japan

100 Soundscapes of Japan

Sleiman Azizi

Culturally significant events like Tokushima's Awa Odori Festival and... the horse festival's Bells of Chagu Chagu Umakko in Iwate are listed

Tokyo 15
Sekiyado Castle Museum

Sekiyado Castle Museum

Elizabeth S

The castle is also the location for two big festivals every year.... In April, the Sekiyado Sakura Festival celebrations include performances

Chiba 6
Haneda-jinja Shrine

Haneda-jinja Shrine


Every year, on the last weekend in July, the shrine holds a colorful festival

Kumano Shrine, Jiyugaoka

Kumano Shrine, Jiyugaoka

Sam Hardwick

I also read that the shrine sponsors the local summer festival ‘Jiyugaoka... International Friendship Mikoshi Festival’ in early September.

Tokyo 1