Food Hakodate Fish Market Bonson Lam If the thought of eating a still alive squid will make you squirm, there are other alternatives to get close to the freshest seafood..
Japanese Shingen Ramen Valerie Kor A must-go if you're looking for ramen in Sapporo. Be prepared to queue.
Food Japanese Beer in Hokkaido Scott Walker From mainstream to boutique, this is everything you need to know about Hokkaido beer.
Food How to Cook Genghis Khan Bonson Lam Cooking your own dinner can be a fun experience for two people but sharing one skillet amongst four adults may test your mettle...
Food Tokachi Kingdom of Sweets Featured Tokachi the Kingdom of Sweets: Featuring six sweets shop in Obihiro City, Hokkaido.
American Lucky Pierrot Hamburger Melissa Hill Only in Hakodate can you eat that this unique Japanese burger chain. Lucky Pierrot doesn't clown around!