Museum of Contemporary Sculpture (Photo: Kimon Berlin / CC BY-SA 2.0)
Museum of Contemporary Sculpture (Photo: Kimon Berlin / CC BY-SA 2.0)
- 2 min read

Meguro City Ward - Museums & Galleries

A hub of contemporary culture


No slouch when it comes to museums and galleries, Meguro City Ward is a hub of creativity. Home to the quirky and the sublime, the city's international leanings come to the fore with its easily accessible and contemporary locations. Here is an introduction to just some of the museums and galleries of Meguro and how to reach them.

Meguro Museum of Art

Opened to act as a window to the community, the Meguro Museum of Art exhibits contemporary Japanese art as well as art from around the world. The gallery also offers workshops combining gallery art with its creation as well as a Citizens Gallery for use by the general public. Admission prices vary according the exhibition.

A 10-minute walk from Meguro Station on any of the Namboku, Toei Mita, Tokyu Meguro or JR Yamanote lines.

Meguro Parasitological Museum

As surreal as they get, the Meguro Parasitological Museum is all about parasites. Filled with jars of creepy specimens from the mysteriously microscopic world, this free museum has some of the best souvenirs as it explains away the mystery of what is apparently a misunderstood lifeform. Definitely one for the adventurous.

A 12-minute walk Meguro Station on the JR Yamanote Line.

Museum of Contemporary Sculpture

A hidden gem, there are hundreds of pieces by scores of modern artists that here in the lovely gallery that is the Museum of Contemporary Sculpture. Made up of an indoor area and a rather expansive outdoor one, the gallery's free admission makes it an easy visit. The surrounding neighbourhood only adds to the charm.

A 15-minute walk from Yutenji Station on the Tokyu Toyoko Line.

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

The photographic hub of Tokyo, the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum is situated in the popular Ebisu Garden Place. With it's permanent collection of well over 30,000 works, its exhibition galleries, constantly changing shows, workshops and events, the museum is the place for fans of all things art and photographic.

A 7-minute walk from Ebisu Station on the JR Yamanote Line.

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Bonson Lam 4 years ago
The number of niche museums here rivals that of many world capitals, New York included. A place to visit again and again.
Kim Bergström 4 years ago
Another great, varied assortment!
Sander 4 years ago
That Meguro Parasitological Museum sounds so intriguing. It's been on my radar for years, but still haven't been....
Sleiman Azizi Author 4 years ago
Definitely one for the alternative bucket list.
Elena Lisina 4 years ago
I liked the last one in this list! However, Meguro is still unexplored place for me. ;)
Sleiman Azizi Author 4 years ago
Yes, the photo museum is pretty good. Always enjoyed my visits there.
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