Search Arlene Bastion's Stories

86 results
A Happy Stay In Hita

A Happy Stay In Hita

Arlene Bastion

A stay in Hita is a happy stay. Mountain and river scenery provide idyllic walks, while specially maintained parts of the town enable..

Oita 6
Mt Tsukuba, Ibaraki

Mt Tsukuba, Ibaraki

Arlene Bastion

The walk up this mountain, despite difficulties and pain, is still a beautiful walk through towering trees. Tsukuba Shrine lies..

Ibaraki 7
Nara's God of Ice

Nara's God of Ice

Arlene Bastion

Himuro Shrine is possibly the only Shinto shrine where the resident deity is a God of Ice, guarding today all ice related industries,..

Nara 4
The Ryozens of Kyoto

The Ryozens of Kyoto

Arlene Bastion

The large statue of Ryozen Kannon looms over moving war memorials, and graves at Ryozen Gokoku hold war dead and those who died..

Kyoto 3
Fun in Futami

Fun in Futami

Arlene Bastion

Futami isn't a name on every tourist's lips. But like pearls discovered in oysters, it has a scenic sea walk, 'married..

Mie 2
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