The story of Akama Shrine, which sits just a few hundred meters from the Kanmon Straits in Shimonoseki, is a rather sad one. The shrine is dedicated to Antoku, the six-year-old child emperor who perished in the sea during the battle of Dan-no-ura just offshore in 1185. When it became clear that the Minamoto clan (also known as the Genji) would triumph over the Taira clan (also called the Heike), Taira matriarch Tokuko (the Emperor’s grandmother) plunged into the sea with the young Emperor in her arms. Both perished, along with most of the Taira warriors.
- 1 min read
Akama Shrine
A somber shrine dedicated to a young emperor
By Mandy Bartok
Community writer
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Shoko Seina Shiraishi
2 years ago
Hi, I am not very good at English.
" Taira matriarch Tokuko (the Emperor’s grandmother)"
I think this part will be TOKIKO instead of TOKUKO. Tokuko is the mother of the young emperor ANTOKU. Tokiko is NII NO AMA, a grandmother who dived into the sea carrying emperor Antoku.
" Taira matriarch Tokuko (the Emperor’s grandmother)"
I think this part will be TOKIKO instead of TOKUKO. Tokuko is the mother of the young emperor ANTOKU. Tokiko is NII NO AMA, a grandmother who dived into the sea carrying emperor Antoku.
Elena Lisina
5 years ago
It was long ago, but still remebered - I'm fascinated with that!
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" Taira matriarch Tokuko (the Emperor’s grandmother)"
I think this part will be TOKIKO instead of TOKUKO. Tokuko is the mother of the young emperor ANTOKU. Tokiko is NII NO AMA, a grandmother who dived into the sea carrying emperor Antoku.