From late October until early December, one of the Tohoku region's most popular winter illumination events is set to take place...
Now in its 27th year, the Tendo City Nabe Battle is held every winter and sees numerous restaurants fight it out – peacefully ..
Cold cod soup or dongara jiru is a popular winter dish in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, and the Japan Sea Cold Cod Festival..
Yamagata is called the “Food Kingdom” of Japan, and for good reason. If you’re looking for warm, wholesome dishes that feel li..
Designated a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy in 2014, Tsuruoka is blessed with a diverse food culture thanks to the nature’..
The art of making soba at Shojiya restaurant in Yamagata City
Taisho era-style Ginzan Onsen in Yamagata Prefecture let's you travel back in time
Zao Onsen town is located in Yamagata Prefecture, and JR East Pass holders are able to get there from Tokyo station via a 2.5 hour..
Stay at a temple overnight and try Shojin Ryori, a vegetarian cuisine eaten by Buddhist monks, at Dewa Sanzan in Yamagata Prefecture..
If a full body hot spring bath isn't your thing, consider the next best option–baths just for your feet.
The tiring walk up Haguro to reach Sanjin Gosaiden goes through ancient cedar forests and provide mental stamina, but the Shrine..
Zenpoji's plain wood structures beautifully highlight its complex carvings of flora and fauna. Its tradition of a dualistic..