Historical Goldfish Lanterns in Yanai Amber Mezbourian Goldfish lanterns in Yanai: This picturesque city is famed for its delicate paper lanterns, shaped like goldfish and hung proudly..
Culture Lacquer Painting in Yamaguchi City Linda Cordes Visitors to Yamaguchi can experience the traditional art of ouchi-nuri by painting a pair of chopsticks with lacquer.
Culture Details of Motonosumi Shrine Tristan Scholze Yamaguchi's winding 123-red-gates-to-sea-cliffs scene will dazzle, but stay for awhile to fill in the details.
12 Culture Japan's Artistic Manhole Covers Steph Newman ExploringJapan's manhole drain covers and their beautiful, regional designs.
6 Culture Fukutoku Inari Shrine Kim Bergström Fukutoku Inari Shrine is not as well known as some other shrines in Yamaguchi, but it shouldn't be missed. It gives amazing..
Culture Pottery Experience in Hagi Linda Cordes Try your hand at making Hagiyaki at a beautiful studio in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
6 Culture Shoka Sonjuku School Lily In Hagi in western Japan's Yamaguchi prefecture, Shoka Sonjuku was a private school founded by Yoshida Shoin, a famous Edo-era..
Culture Kiwa La Beach and PANARI Tiffany Aguilar Kiwa La Beach in Ube City is known as Japan's "Salt Flats of Uyuni." It is a popular photo spot for its mirror-like water surface...