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New Technology Enhances Noh

New Technology Enhances Noh

Luca De Pasquale

Japanese theatrical scene, stage and every other elements have stayed the same... the need of any special effect, lighting, sound effects, in the very same

Tokyo 4
General Nogi

General Nogi

Sleiman Azizi

At one point, he asked the Emperor for permission to take his own life... In his own words, "I have made up my mind to take the step." A

Tokyo 6
The Charm of Small Towns 43

The Charm of Small Towns

Elena Lisina

Staying in small places and traditional ryokans allowed me to take my time... if I was lost I simply asked a local for directions who would kindly take

Images of Enoshima 28

Images of Enoshima

Elena Lisina

Though Japanese shrines may all appear the same, I still can't pass... I get the same feeling when looking at old lanterns covered with moss;

Kanagawa 2