Food Soy Sauce Ice Cream on Shodoshima Jaclynn Seah Feeling adventurous? Eat your soy sauce as cold ice cream instead of on rice or with sushi when you visit Shodoshima.
Food Nakano Udon School Tony Mariani Nakano Udon School is a restaurant where you can try your hand at preparing Kagawa's celebrated udon noodles. You then get to..
Online Food Free Virtual Event: Udon Tour in Kagawa Prefecture ... Aug 29th 2020 Past Event Japan Travel teams up with the Savor Japan project to help you experience Kagawa prefecture's most famous food. Join expert..
Food Terrace Restaurant at Benesse House Bonson Lam Also known as Umi no hoshi Etolie de Mer, a name that is well suited to its position, with the view from the table distilling the..
Japanese Kakiyaki Kamakura: Grilled Oysters Hannah Warren A no-frills grilled oyster restaurant in Takamatsu, Kagawa. Read about what makes this little shop in Japan such a fascinating experience...
Food Apron Cafe Bonson Lam In many ways it was the unexpected that took me by surprise at Naoshima. Expecting to find nothing at Lee Ufan museum, but it was..
Food Milano no Okazuyasan Anonymous Milano no Okazuyasan is a great Italian restaurant in downtown Takamatsu. Family run with a wide menu and generous portions, you..
Food Mugs Cafe Anonymous Right in the middle of downtown, between the two main ferry ports. Located along the sea, Mugs Cafe is a great place to get the..