Italian Hakkaisan Izumi Village, Muikamachi Rufus Starbuck Hakkaisan Izumi Village is a multipurpose function area with a shop selling craft food and drinks. There is also a great Italian..
Food IUJ Shokudo Kim Bergström Looking for a cheap lunch? The International University of Japan's shokudo, or cafeteria, is open not just to students but the..
Japanese Ninjintei restaurant in Yuzawa Rufus Starbuck Tonkatsu restaurant in the main street of Yuzawa with huge portions of great quality, local food. Queues out the door are not unusual..
Food Taverna Vicini at Daigenta Canyon Rufus Starbuck Daigenta Canyon sits just outside Yuzawa. There is a lake out there that sits under Mount Daigenta, a camping area, an outdoor center..
7 Food Huckleberry Bakery Kim Bergström Huckleberry Bakery in Urasa offers up a range of tasty baked goods in a mom-and-pop style store setting.
Cafe Ohgiya Cafe Kim Bergström Located in the Minamiuonuma area, Ohgiya Cafe sits on Shiozawa's Bokushi Street, part of the historic Mikunikaido Highway. While..
6 Food Sarukurayama Brewery Kim Bergström The Sarukurayama Brewery was opened in July 2018 in Minamiuonuma, Niigata, and boasts a range of different brews. The premises also..